Shredded Bi’s, Tri’s, and Abs

Shredded Bi’s, Tri’s, and Abs

Hey Rockstar! Today’s workout with Coach Neesha is the perfect upper body sculpting session!

Pair this with a lower body workout like this one if you’re training on back to back days!

Coach Neesha is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and a Team Betty Rocker Coach

This workout is from a Rock Your Life Challenge called Shredded Summer (access it along with all our challenges right here)! 

Here’s how that challenge is formatted:

  • Mon: Lower Body (booty and back)
  • Tues: Upper Body (chest, shoulders and abs)
  • Wed: Mobility
  • Thurs: Upper Body (bi’s, tri’s and core)
  • Fri: Lower Body (legs and booty)
  • Sat: Abs express
  • Su: Rest

That’s a great way to space out your training so you get plenty of recovery for specific body parts before you train them again. There are lots of fantastic ways to train – just wanted to share one I really like! It’s always a great season to get shredded – so try this challenge in Rock Your Life if this sounds fun to you!

Now let’s get right into this awesome workout!

If you’re looking for more workouts like this all planned out for you, we’ve got so many fun options inside Rock Your Life! Shredded Summer is just one of many you can choose from and all paths lead to your success!

Start a challenge today!

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Shredded Bi’s, Tri’s, and Abs

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions

Equipment: weighted objects, optional elevated surface
Format: perform each move for reps/time, repeat each superset 3 times.

Superset 1:

Walking Planks with 2 Knees In (0:45)

  • Begin in a tall plank position with shoulders stacked over your wrists, core braced, neutral gaze (not looking up or down) and a flat back.
  • Being mindful of maintaining a flat back and reducing the shifting of your pelvis, lower your left elbow down to the mat, followed by your right so that you end in an elbow plank position.
  • Plant your right palm back on the mat, followed by your left palm; you are now back in your tall plank position.
  • Using your core to drive the movement, drive your right then left knee in towards your chest.
  • Continue this sequence, alternating which side lowers and lifts first, continuing to check in on a braced core, neutral gaze, and flat back throughout this exercise.
  • MOD: Perform this either with your knees down on the mat or with your hands on an elevated surface.

45-degree Biceps Curls (8-12)

  • Begin standing with weighted objects in both hands and palms facing away from you.
  • With a braced core and shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), outwardly rotate your forearms about 45 degrees and bend at the elbows to curl the weights up to shoulder height.
  • With control, lower the weights to the starting position. Be mindful that you’re keeping your elbows stationary at your ribcage for the duration of the curl.
  • Repeat for your max reps.

Superset 2:

Cross Cross Side Side (0:45)

  • Begin by standing tall with your feet hip distance apart, core braced, and chest upright.
  • With your hands behind your head and elbows wide, twist your torso and use your core to drive your right knee up and across to tap your left elbow. Be mindful that you are keeping your chest upright.
  • Repeat on the other side.
  • Now draw your right knee up to tap your right elbow for an oblique crunch and repeat on your left side.
  • Continue alternating crossing both knees to touch opposite elbows and laterally crunching same side knees to elbows for allotted time.

3-point Triceps Kickbacks (8-12)

  • Begin by standing with a weighted object in your left hand.
  • Take your left leg back into a lunge position, hinge forward at the hips at a 45 degree angle with your body with a flat back, and engage between your shoulders, so they’re not rounding forward. Allow your dumbbell to hang beneath your chest and keep your head and neck in a neutral position.
  • Draw your left elbow up and back beside your ribcage and perform tricep kickback by kicking your arm straight back, rotating your palm towards the ceiling, and contracting your tricep.
  • Keep your elbow beside your ribcage as you bend your arms and repeat the kickback from a hinged position for your max reps.
  • Switch sides and match reps.

Superset 3:

Burpees (0:45)

  • Begin standing at the top of your mat with your core braced and chest upright.
  • Bend your knees, plant your hands on the mat, and jump your feet back into a tall plank position with shoulders stacked over wrists, braced core, back flat and neutral gaze (not looking up or down).
  • Bend your arms and lower yourself toward the mat for a push-up while keeping your shoulders away from your ears. Be mindful that your hips and torso are moving in one line.
  • Maintaining a braced core and flat back, push yourself back up to the starting position.
  • Jump your feet back up to your hands and drive through the heels to stand or jump.
  • Repeat for allotted time.
  • MOD: For low impact, remove jumps and step your feet out and in.
  • Complete the push-ups with your knees on the mat or complete the entire sequence with your hands planted on an elevated surface (bench/couch/chair) instead of the mat.

Skullcrushers (8-12)

  • With a weighted object in each hand, begin lying on your back with your knees bent, feet planted, and core braced so that your lower back is making contact with the mat.
  • Extend your arms up overhead, then lower your arms straight back to about a 45 degree angle: this is your starting position.
  • Bend the elbows to about 90 degrees, lowering the weighted objects toward or behind your head. Keep your elbows hugging in towards each other as you bend, not allowing them to open out to the side.
  • Power through your triceps to straighten your arms and repeat for your max reps.

How did you like that workout? Check in below and let me and Coach Neesha know! Remember it’s consistency that gets us to our goals, so find a program you can be consistent with and let’s keep our momentum going!

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The post Shredded Bi’s, Tri’s, and Abs appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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