Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S
Kalabala Pravritta Vyadhis are group of diseases which fall under the category of Adidaivika Vyadhis explained by Acharya Sushruta
Ref – Sushruta Sutra Sthana, Chapter 24, verse 5
Kalabala Pravritta Vyadhis: Part of Adidaivika Vyadhis
Adidaivika Vyadhis itself is one among the threefold classification of diseases explained by Acharya Sushruta, the other three of the trio being Adyatmika and Adibhautika Vyadhis.
Adidaivika Vyadhis are those diseases which are caused by divine interference on which we do not have much control. They include diseases which are caused by natural disasters and calamities, those caused by curse and anger of gods, preceptors, brahmins etc and those that are naturally caused.
Being under the umbrella of Adidaivika Vyadhis, Kalabala Pravritta Vyadhis will have their features also apart from having specific features of themselves by which they could be designated and identified as Kalabala Pravrtta.
In this article we shall study about Kalabala Pravrtta Vyadhis and their sub-classification.

Kalabala Pravrtta Vyadhis
कालबलप्रवृत्ता ये शीतोष्णवातवर्षातपप्रभृतिनिमित्ताः ; तेऽपि द्विविधाः-व्यापन्नर्तुकृताः,अव्यापन्नर्तुकृताश्च ।(Su.Su.24/7)
Meaning of Kalabala Pravrtta Vyadhi
– Kalabala Pravrtta – caused due to the strength of aggravated seasons / time factor
– Vyadhi – diseases
Definition of Kalabala Pravrtta Vyadhis –
Kalabala Pravrtta Vyadhis are the diseases that are produced due to abnormal variations in the coldness, heat and rains which occur in the six seasons i.e. diseases caused due to the strength of abnormal or vitiated seasons / time factor.
Examples of Kalabala Pravrtta Vyadhis
All kinds of seasonal disorders fall under the category of Kalabala Pravrtta Vyadhis. I have given proper examples for easy understanding in the next part of the article (types of kalabala pravrtta vyadhis).
Types of Kalabala Pravrtta Vyadhis
There are two kinds of Kalabala Pravrtta Vyadhis. They are –
1. Vyapanna Rtu Krta Vyadhis
The diseases caused due to abnormalities in seasons or abnormal seasonal variations are called Vyapanna Rtu Krta Vyadhis. They are also called as Rtu Vyapat – seasonal disorders or seasonal complications. They basically can occur in 18 different types. We know that there are six seasons according to the Indian / Ayurveda classification of seasons. They are –
A. Shishira – late winter
B. Vasanta – spring

C. Grishma – summer
D. Varsha – rainy / monsoon
E. Sharad – autumn and
F. Hemanta early winter
Abnormal seasonal variations take place in 3 forms in each of these seasons –
Seasonal Variation / Abnormality | Example |
Ayoga or Hina Yoga – deficit manifestation of season | Less heat in summer,Less rain in rainy seasonLess cold in cold seasons |
Atiyoga – excessive manifestation / expression of seasons | Extreme and abnormal heat in summer seasonExtreme and abnormal rainfall in rainy season |
Mithya Yoga – perverted or inconsistent manifestation of seasons | Absence of heat and heavy rains in summer seasonAlternate heat and rains in cold season |
Atiyoga, ayoga and mithya yoga are applicable for all the six reasons which leads to 18 types of abnormal manifestation of seasons, which is responsible for many seasonal disorders, which may on long run become chronic and stubborn diseases, especially so, in those having low tolerance / immunity.
Ayoga, Atiyoga and Mityayoga of Kala has been marked as one of the most important etiological factors (nidana) for all diseases.
2. Avyapanna Rtu Krta Vyadhis
These are the diseases which occur in normal seasons only, due to the disturbance of doshas naturally occurring in the normal seasons. So, there is no seasonal abnormality here. This is a natural response to the changes occurring in different seasons which naturally imbalance particular dosha or doshas in those seasons.
Below given is the dosha variations occurring due to the impact of seasonal changes
Dosha | Sanchaya – increase | Prakopa – aggravation | Prashamana – auto / natural pacification |
Kapha | Shishira / Hemanta | Vasanta | Grishma |
Pitta | Varsha | Sharad | Hemanta |
Vata | Grishma | Varsha | Sharad |
From the above tabulation we can understand that particular dosha increases in a season, aggravates in its next season and pacifies itself in yet another season when the season is not favourable for it to stay aggravated. This is normal seasonal impact on doshas. This pattern can be seen in healthy people who follow good seasonal regimen including dietetic changes and lifestyle modifications in sync with change of season. If the dosha is not taken care of in seasons wherein they increase or aggravate, and if seasonal regimen is not religiously followed, the dosha instead of naturally pacifying in the season meant for it to happen, will take another route and pass through a cycle of pathogenesis including prasara – spread, sthana samshraya – lodgement in tissue and causing tissue damage, vyakta – manifesting a disease with its clear-cut signs and symptoms and bheda – complications. This is why, seasonal regimen becomes an important component of the healthcare system, which helps in keeping many diseases at bay and also a best preventive strategy.
In spite of this, the dosha which has undergone abnormal increase during the season meant for its aggravation, will cause some diseases or symptoms related to their vitiation in mild to moderate proportions. Those who have maintained their health well and those who are following seasonal regimen properly may not experience this also.
These diseases produced naturally due to seasonal increase of dosha, in normal seasons and seasons meant for their increase is called Kalabala Pravrtta Vyadhis.
So, herein, there will be no seasonal variations but the normal season will itself influence the doshas causing either their increase or decrease. When these doshas are not balanced by administration of suitable diets and lifestyle changes, therapies and medicines to tame them, as per indicated seasonal regimens, will lead to manifestation of diseases.
This seasonal aggravation of doshas occurs in everyone in the world and is quite a natural process. This will also happen as a rule.
Modern thoughts
All the seasonal disorders occurring in naturally manifesting or unnaturally / abnormally manifesting seasons can be considered in Kalabala Pravrtta Vyadhis.
Prevention and cure
Nidana Parivarjana – The golden principle for preventing the seasonal disorders includes keeping away the ‘dosha aggravating causes’ including foods and activities in seasons meant for aggravation of that particular dosha. This is moreover applicable for Avyapanna Rtukrta Vyadhis. In Vyapanna Rtukrta Vyadhis, preventive or curative measures should be planned and executed as per the manifestation of abnormal season, as and when it occurs.
Other important preventive and curative strategies
Following Rtucharya – One should ideally follow Rtucharya in each and every season and follow the principles related to indications and contraindications therein religiously.
If the Rtucharya is strictly followed with respect to diet and lifestyle, intake of seasonal foods and indicated seasonal therapies, these doshas do not progress to cause disease and get pacified naturally in their next season. On the other hand, if the dosha prakopa is neglected and not managed in these seasons, they would progress and tend to cause diseases. These diseases are called Avyapanna Ritu Krita Vyadhis.
Following Rtucharya is preventive of these diseases. Even if the dosha aggravation takes place in their related seasons, following Rtucharya will prevent them from progressing towards serious pathogenesis. Even if diseases manifest, they will be mild and self-limiting.
One should also properly follow the rules and regulations of Rtu Sandhi – the junctional period in the transition between any two seasons.
Related Reading – Rtusandhi
One cannot know or suddenly adopt for Vyapanna Rtus because they are unpredictable. We should quickly adapt to the sudden changes in the seasons and follow suitable preventive measures in accordance with the vyapanna rtu. If diseases get manifested, the treatment principles specific for the aggravated dosha – dosha pratyanika and manifested disease – vyadhi pratyanika chikitsa should be followed.