Pragbhakta Aushadha Sevana Kala: Meaning, Clinical Significance

Pragbhakta Aushadha Sevana Kala: Meaning, Clinical Significance

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S

Pragbhakta is one among the ‘aushadha sevana kala’ i.e. time for taking medicine.

Pragbhakta / Prakbhakta = Prak + Bhakta

–        Prak = before,

–        Bhakta = food

So, in the case of Pragbhakta Aushadha Sevana Kala, the medicine is administered before consuming the food. This also implies that the person / patient is on an empty stomach when the medicine is consumed.


Pragbhakta also has other names. They are –

–        Purvabhakta = Purva + Bhakta = before + food – the meaning is same as Pragbhakta, the word Prak has been replaced by Purva (Prak = Purva = before)

–        Bhaktadau = Bhakta + Adau = food + at the beginning of, the meaning being same as Pragbhakta, the words have swapped their places and the word prak has been replaced by ‘adau’ both of which mean the same.

–        Annadau + Anna + Adau – gives the same meaning as Bhaktadau, the word bhakta has been replaced by anna (bhakta = anna = food).

Understanding Pragbhakta Aushadha Sevana Kala / Annakala

When is the medicine administered in ‘Pragbhakta’?

As already mentioned, the medicine in Pragbhakta is administered before food / meals wherein the person is ‘empty stomach’.

Even in Abhakta Aushadha Sevana Kala, the medicine is given before food. The difference is Abhakta is given early in the morning, when the person is empty stomach, when there is no dosha activity in the stomach and when the patient is not hungry, for strong persons who can tolerate medicine on empty stomach.

In Pragbhakta Aushadha, the medicine is given before food, when the person is on an empty stomach, and almost a few minutes before taking food and not early in the morning. Since this medicine works for apana vata conditions, though not specified, it may be given before dinner too, since it is apana kala.

Related Reading – Pragbhakta vs Abhakta

In which part of the day the medicine is administered?

We just have a reference that this medicine should be given before taking food. There is no specification of early morning. So, it can be given any time before food, hypothetically i.e. before breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Since this medicine is praised for its action on apana vata and apana vata disorders, an indirect hint is to give the medicine at evening time, before dinner, which is said to be a time of activity of apana vata i.e. apana kala. It is also an ideal ‘vata time’.

Why should medicine be given at this time? Dosha relation

Since the medicine is taken before food on empty stomach, the medicine gets thoroughly digested by the action of agni. No part of the medicine is expelled without being digested. So, there is proper and total utilization of medicine in Pragbhakta administration.

Though there is no direct indication when this medicine has to be given, before breakfast, lunch or dinner, it can be generalized that it can be given before any meal. But the therapeutic indications say that it is best for balancing apana vata and apana vata disorders and also to cure the diseases of the lower parts of the body. This is yet another clue for customizing this type of medication for evening, before dinner.

The medicine is taken before food. So, the person takes the medicine. The medicine comes into contact with agni. The agni starts digesting the medicine. Now the person eats food. The food prevents regurgitation of medicine back into the food pipe (oesophagus) and mouth. Due to the food being above the medicine, the medicine gets a good time of retention in the stomach for it to get digested completely. This helps in optimum use of medicine. Acharya Kashyapa says that the medicine given as Pragbhakta, destroys the doshas present in the amashaya – stomach. So, it is also a best medicine for local doshas i.e. Kledaka Kapha, Samana Vata and Pachaka Pitta. Since ama is formed after taking food and the medicine stays for a long time in the stomach, the ama (as pachana) and ama related diseases too can be targeted using Pragbhakta medicine.

Medicine taken as Pragbhakta will be digested without affecting the strength of the person. So, it will not cause bala kshaya i.e. deterioration of strength.

Indications and benefits of Abhakta

Optimum utilization of medicine – Pragbhakta medicine will be used optimally without being expelled since it comes into contact with agni directly and is pressed by food, which allows its maximum retention in the stomach.

Absorption – The absorption and utilization of this medicine too will be optimum and its therapeutic action on desired doshas and diseases as well.

Prevents medicine regurgitation and expulsion – People are reluctant towards taking bitter and astringent tasting medicines. Apart from not being palatable, the medicine keeps regurgitating into the mouth. For people who are conscious about this, if medicine needs to be given on an empty stomach, pragbhakta will be the ideal time of administration. Since, after intake of food, the medicine is enveloped by food, the medicine is not expelled even in a downward direction easily.

Quick digestion and action of medicine – According to Acharya Sushruta, the medicine taken as Pragbhakta undergoes shigra vipaka i.e. quickly gets digested and the post-digestion effect is also fast and so is its action. So, pragbhakta is a quick acting medicine.

Weight Reduction in Sthoulya, Medoroga – This time of administration of medicine is ideal to achieve weight loss for those who are targeting it. So, obesity and weight increase conditions mainly having their origin from excessive kapha increase and depletion of agni in the stomach are ideal conditions to be tackled with Pragbhakta medicine. So, it is the best in treating medoroga, sthoulya and medovaha sroto dushti janya rogas i.e. diseases caused due to contamination of fat forming and conveying channels in the body and diseases arising out of this.

Weight / Bulk promotion in Krishanga – Pragbhakta medicines can include medicines targeted to increase weight in emaciated individuals. This medicine by improving the overall health of amashaya and agni, by balancing the doshas therein and also destroying the morbid doshas therein, will enable proper digestion of food and proper absorption and distribution of nutrients.

Medicines for Apana Vata Dushti – Medicines targeting apana vata imbalance, diseases caused due to apana vata aggravation should be administered Pragbhakta. Since the medicine acts on apana vata, it can be readily administered in conditions like gudagata vata and pakvashayagata vata wherein aggravated vata is localized in anus (rectum) and colon respectively, i.e. in the zone of apana vata.

Medicines for stomach doshas, ama and agni – The medicines for balancing samana vata, kledaka kapha and pachaka pitta should be used pragbhakta. Ama pachana and Dipana medicines may also be planned to be given at this time.

Diseases occurring in the lower portion / parts of the body – Most diseases of the lower parts of the body are caused by apana vata imbalance. By correcting the apana vata imbalance and also by strengthening the lower parts of the body, pragbhakta medicine would cure the diseases therein.

For strengthening the lower portions of the body – Pragbhakta medicines are known to strengthen the lower parts of the body. So, it should be planned wherein there is loss of strength in the pelvis, pelvic organs and lower limbs due to long standing illness or any other conditions. This shows that the medicines given in Pragbhakta template, has a balya role and it enhances the strength of muscles, bones and joints in the lower parts of the body. This is also due to the apana vata balancing effect of pragbhakta aushadha.

Other indications – Acharya Sushruta says that (Su.Ut.64/69) pragbhakta medicine should be given to aged persons, children, ladies and cowards who do not have good tolerance for medicines.

Some diseases which can be cured by medicines administered as Pragbhakta

Pragbhakta medicinal timing can be considered in the below mentioned conditions –

–        Diseases of the stomach and digestive disorders – like ajirna, agnimandya, amashayagata vata amajirna etc.

–        Diseases of the colon / rectum and anus – Gudagata vata, Pakvashayagata Vata, Arshas – piles, Udavarta – upward movement of vata, Atopa – gurgling sounds in the intestines, Anaha – flatulence and constipation, Adhmana – distension of abdomen, Jirna Atisara and Pravahika – chronic diarrhoea and dysentery etc.

–        Pelvic inflammatory diseases

–        Diseases of the urinary bladder – Mutraghata – urinary obstruction, Mutrakrichra – dysuria etc.

–        Diseases of genital system – erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, etc.

–        Gynaecological disorders – dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia etc.

–        Weakness and fatigue in the lower limbs, associated with conditions like hemiplegia, arthritis etc

–        Loss of muscle bulk in the lower limbs and around pelvis

–        Low back pain of chronic nature

–        Obesity and excessive weight gain, diseases of fat related channels and errors of fat metabolism, Hypothyroidism etc.

–        Emaciation, severe loss of weight


–        Ashtanga Sangraha Sutra Sthana, Chapter 23 (23/15)

–        Sushruta Samhita Uttara Sthana, Chapter 64 (64/67)

–        Charaka Samhita Chiktsa Sthana, Chapter 30 (30/299)

–        Sharangadhara Samhita Madhyama Khanda, Chapter 2 (2/5)

–        Kashyapa Samhita Khila Sthana (Ka. Sam.  Khi.Sth.3/44)

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