These Homemade Whole Wheat Tortillas are made with just 4 ingredients. They’re so easy to make and taste way better than store-bought! Perfect for healthy lunches and dinners.

**Posted 7/2013. Updated 3/2025*
Hi Friends!
Today I want to teach you guys how to make a Homemade Whole Wheat Tortilla! Whole-grain tortillas have been on my to-make list for quite a while now. If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, you know that I’m semi-obsessed with tortillas because they’re perfect for pretty much any meal. Throw some scrambled eggs and cheese inside for a breakfast quesadilla, add peanut butter and sliced bananas for a snack or turn them into tacos for lunch or dinner.
Are homemade tortillas healthier than store-bought tortillas?
Even though I do my best to buy brands that are 100% whole wheat and low in sodium, it’s rare that I can find a brand with an ingredient list that satisfies me. Often born of necessity, many store-bought varieties have preservatives and higher sodium levels to help give them a longer shelf life.
If you have the time to make your own, you just need a few simple ingredients and they keep for several days in the fridge.
And for the weeks you don’t have time to make your own? Here are the Best Healthy Store-Bought Tortillas.
Whole wheat tortillas versus white flour tortillas
The biggest benefit of choosing whole wheat tortillas is that they tend to be a bit higher in fiber and other nutrients since whole grains are being used. White tortillas are made with refined white flour which means many of the nutrients have been removed.
When I make homemade tortillas I use white whole-wheat flour which is a little lighter than whole-wheat flour but you can also feel free to experiment with things like sprouted wheat flour or some alternatives to wheat flour like chickpea or cassava flour.
How to make whole wheat tortillas without a tortilla press?
Although I’m sure having a tortilla press comes in handy if you make tortillas often, it’s one kitchen gadget that I don’t have. This is the one I would get though. (aff link)
If you don’t have one, there are several things you can use to press the dough flat including:
- A glass pie tin
- A heavy flat-bottomed skillet (if the bottom isn’t totally smooth you can put a large ziploc bag on top of the dough and then press down with the pan
- A dinner plate
- A heavy book

Whole Wheat Tortilla Recipe
Until now. And guess what? They are SUPER easy to make and only require 4 ingredients! Win!
Homemade Whole Wheat Tortillas
With only 4 ingredients, these tortillas do away with the store brand mystery ingredient list. Roll them up and enjoy with breakfast, lunch, or dinner!
- Prep Time: 30 min
- Cook Time: 20 min
- Total Time: 50 minutes
- Yield: 8
- 2 cups white whole wheat flour
- 3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 2/3 c warm water
- In a bowl, mix together the flour, oil and salt.
- Slowly add the warm water while stirring until a rough dough comes together. Add a little extra water if needed.
- Turn the dough onto the counter and knead for about two minutes.
- Return to bowl and let rest for 20 minutes.
- Divide dough into 8 equal balls.
- Roll each ball into a circle (you want them to be pretty thin)
- Heat a pan over medium high heat and grease lightly.
- Drop one dough circle into the pan and let cook until bubbles form- about 1 minute.
- Flip over and cook another minute, pressing down with a spatula if needed. Repeat with remaining dough.
- Use immediately, store in an airtight container in the fridge or freeze.
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Whole Wheat Flour Tortillas FAQS
What is the best type of flour for making whole wheat tortillas?
My favorite flour to use is white whole wheat flour. I find it’s lighter and not quite as dense as whole wheat flour. Here’s an article that describes the difference between whole wheat and white whole wheat flour.
Can you make whole wheat tortillas without oil?
If you don’t want to use oil, you could try substituting butter or shortening. Here’s a specific recipe for homemade flour tortillas made with butter.
How do you make soft and pliable whole wheat tortillas?
I’ve found the key to making soft and pliable tortillas is to not make them too thin. If you press them out too thin, they will dry out and crack or crisp up too much while baking.
You also need to store them in a sealed bag or container so they don’t dry out!

How do I prevent whole wheat tortillas from being too dry?
If you find your tortillas are too dry, you likely need to add more water. You could try increasing the water in this recipe to 3/4 cup.
What is the best way to store whole wheat tortillas to keep them fresh?
Let the tortillas cool completely and then store in a ziploc bag in the fridge.
How long do homemade whole wheat tortillas last?
Your tortillas should be fine in the fridge for about 5 days if stored properly
Can I freeze whole wheat tortillas for later use?
Yes! Cool completely and then stack and store in a freezer-safe bag for up to 3 months. To thaw, simply transfer to the refrigerator.
What are some creative ways to use whole wheat tortillas?
There are tons of things you can make with these homemade tortillas! They’re perfect for:
- Wraps
- Tacos
- Quesadillas
- Easy Layered Taco Bake
- Extra Crispy Bar Style Tortilla Pizza
- Baked flour tortilla chips
- Baked Ranch Taquitos
- Breakfast Enchilada Casserole
Here are 25 things to make when you’ve got tortillas on hand.
How to make vegan whole wheat tortillas?
This tortilla recipe is naturally vegan since the ingredients don’t contain any animal products.
Can I make gluten-free by using alternative flours?
If you need your tortillas to be gluten-free I would look for a recipe that is specifically designed using an alternative flour. Here are some ideas:
- High Protein Lentil Wrap Tortillas
- Gluten-Free Flour Tortillas
- Chickpea Tortillas
- Almond Flour Tortillas

Let’s chat: Do you make your own tortillas? Flour or corn?
If you’re a corn tortilla person check out my Homemade Corn Tortillas recipe here.