If you’ve been curious to hear how it all went, this Beef and Butter Fast Results post will answer all of your burning questions. I’m also including testimonials from others who did the fast, and they are a pretty incredible read.
I got busy this week so this post is a little late, but here it finally is – the 7 Day Beef and Butter Fast Results: The Highs, Lows, and Everything in Between.
If you had told me 10 days ago that my diet would consist exclusively of beef and butter, I might have laughed (or cried) in disbelief. Yet, here I am, 10 days into the 7 Day Beef and Butter Fast, still going strong, and ready to share my experiences—the good, the bad, and the surprising.
First things first, let’s talk about the beef and butter fast results that I know some of you are most interested in – weight loss. At the end of day 7, I had lost 9 pounds (I’m currently at 11 pounds down on day 10), which is certainly a win, but the journey wasn’t exactly a straight line to success.
There were days when I was riding high, fueled by ribeye and optimism, and then there were days when I was… Not.
A Week of Highs and Lows
The first few days went surprisingly well. I thought I had cracked the code, like maybe I was some kind of beef-and-butter prodigy. Then Saturday hit me like a freight train.
I was expecting to be on cruise control those last two days, but I got blindsided by a wave of what can only be described as depression – ie., serotonin had left the chat.
I felt sad for no good reason, irrationally angry about not being able to just live my life and eat normally (triggered because we were out running errands and I didn’t trust myself to go to a restaurant and not cheat) and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t shake the bad mood off.
I resorted to herbal tea that night, just to have something different, and went to bed early hoping that I would feel better when I woke up.
By Sunday, my mood had improved, but I had hit the beef wall hard. We went to brunch with friends (at the most amazing bakery/restaurant 😭), and I ordered steak and eggs with an espresso – I stayed mostly on plan (the eggs were a new addition for me) and was proud of myself, and it didn’t feel that hard even though everyone else was enjoying some carb heavy favorites.
For dinner that night though, nothing beef related appealed.
I was tempted to just end the fast Sunday night with the reasoning that nobody ever said WHEN on the 7th day you had to end the fast – I’d still made it 7 days, right? 😅
But I didn’t want to derail my progress, so I stared into the beefy void of my fridge skeptically.
My relationship with beef had become…complicated.
I had a beef… with beef. I felt personally attacked by ground beef, and even my beloved chuck roast started giving me the side eye.
The only shining star in my carnivore cosmos was ribeye, which I never got sick of. I cooked one Sunday night, and found myself enjoying it in spite of my mental beef block. The crisis was over, and I knew I could make it to Monday.
Here’s where things get crazy. Monday morning, instead of loading my coffee up with cream and eating an entire bowl full of the strawberries that had been tempting me for days in the fridge, I got out my grass fed butter and made my regular B&B fast butter coffee.
I knew I could eat something else, but I didn’t really want to. I still had some ribeye in the fridge so I fried it up and ate it with what could only be described as…bliss? Nobody was more surprised than me.
I WAS ONE WITH THE BEEF. It was like some sort of weird beef Stockholm Syndrome – I could get away, I just didn’t want to. Just hours before I resented the beef. I dreamed of literally any. other. food.
But now? Something’s changed. The resistance is gone. The beef… makes sense. 😵💫
First, I hated the beef.
Then, I accepted the beef.
Now? I am the beef. 😂
It’s day 10 for me, and my plan is to continue through the weekend and eventually transition into carnivore. 💪🏼 But I could pivot to something else, like Squeaky Clean Keto – I’m leaving my options open.
I just feel too good to chuck it and go back to a high carb diet right now. In the past my motivation to stay keto was always weight loss. Now that I’m 51, the weight loss is secondary to how good I feel – it’s interesting how your priorities change with time.
Other benefits of the Beef and Butter Fast
Despite the challenges, I did notice some surprising (and delightful) benefits or “Non Scale Victories” along the way:
- No keto breath: A true gift to anyone within a five-foot radius of me.
- No body odor: Did the butter block my sweat glands? It’s a mystery that will likely remain unsolved.
- Better sleep: I slept like my cat, sprawled in the sun at 9am after a full night of knocking things over.
- Less brain fog: My thoughts felt clearer, which was a nice change from my usual “Did I already drink this coffee or is this cup just empty?” routine.
- Hot flashes disappeared: After months of feeling like a human furnace, I am finally back in the warm embrace of my beloved cozy throws and fluffy sweaters, living my best blanket loving life.
- Less face puffiness: I actually started to recognize myself in the mirror again.
- Reduced inflammation: My ankle and hip pain disappeared after around the 5th day, and I mean GONE. Perimenopausal frozen shoulder? Also totally gone. Plantar Fasciitis? Nuthin. It’s shocking how pain free my joints are after hobbling around for months like an old person. 👵🏻 I mean I’m old, but not THAT old. 😂
- Minimal cravings: No vivid dreams of cupcakes and pizza, which was surprising to be honest.
- Brighter eyes: Not something I expected, but the whites of my eyes were practically glowing some days. Weird but seemed like a sign of good health, so I’ll take it.
But now you might be saying “OK, you did well and that’s great, but what about everyone else? And more importantly, what can I (that’s you) expect if I try this Beef and Butter Fast?”
Those are fair questions, so I asked our FB Beef & Butter Week group participants if I could share some of their beef and butter fast results here in this post, and they were happy to oblige so that you’d be encouraged to try it too!
Participant Comments & Testimonials
Terri A – “I Breathe, I eat Beef, I’m not too Hungry” 😍 (Same girl, same.)
Ann R. – “I had been on carnivore for five months before this challenge and felt great (minimal inflammation/pain from Fibromyalgia, AMAZING blood sugars as a Type 1 Diabetic, 25lb weight loss). It had been well over a month since I’d seen any weight loss though, which of course is so discouraging! During this challenge week, with the only ‘major’ change being removing the nominal amounts of carnivore-approved dairy from my diet (including my beloved heavy cream for my coffee), I am down 2.5lbs! It may not seem like much to others, but after weeks of not budging, it feels like a HUGE win to me. And opens my eyes to the impact that dairy has on weight loss, particularly for those of us who struggle more to lose. I’m planning to continue eating carnivore but without dairy, except for a TINY portion of heavy cream in my coffee ONCE a day, rather than a more significant amount 2-4 times/day.”
Leeann J. – “I’m down 8 pounds and feeling great! I did add the occasional egg in during the week to help not getting tired of all the beef, but I was surprised how easy this was for me! Just the kick in the pants I needed to get back to a healthier life style!”
Rhonda C.E. – “I’m down 6.2 pounds, and thrilled with that loss!! I am loving this way of eating still so I’m sticking to beef & butter until it’s not palatable. I feel like the brain fog has lifted some, so that’s great! I’m awake at 5:30 every morning without trying or even needing to be up at that time! I’m so thankful for IBIH and this group and the accountability it has given me!!”
Angela H. – “We did it! I’m down 10lbs and the hubs is down 12lbs. I’m so glad we did this. It was just the jump start we needed to get back on track and drop some lingering holiday bloat. Funny how I stopped craving cookies and now I just want some cream in my coffee or some cheese on my burger party. We still had ground beef this morning but added eggs. I think we’re leaning towards moving to Squeaky Clean Keto with intermittent fasting to keep the momentum going.”
Jodie F. – “My weight loss this week is 6.2lbs, with no bloating/digestive issues as I experienced before, fewer aches/pains, and improved wellness overall. I had followed a keto WOE but gained all the weight back after introducing more carbs; it’s a slippery slope! I hadn’t intended to join the challenge, but I kind of thought, what the heck. I’m so glad I did, with great support & interesting comments from the group. This has helped me get back on track & change my mindset.“
Kathy Z. – “My husband and I enjoyed the journey and the fact that we were never hungry or looking for snacks. Also no serious meal planning involved. No huge weight loss, a couple pounds, but feel great and clothes much looser.This week continuing with the addition of your ‘Keto Soup‘ for our lunch snack, and adding an egg on our breakfast burger. Feels like a perfect way to Jumpstart back into serious keto again.“
Tammy B. – “I lost 4 lbs, but the non-scale victories are even more exciting. I slept better, belly bloat reduced significantly, inflammation in my hands was gone, and my plantar fasciitis (which I’ve battled for over a year) was markedly better! I plan on adding back in other meats and eggs, avoiding dairy, continuing without sweeteners, and only having veggies maybe once a week. I want to use the momentum from this week to keep going and hopefully see more and more of the scale and non-scale victories!!”
Bonnie T. – “I haven’t weighed today but as of yesterday I’ve lost 5 pounds and a whole lot of bloating. I’m unable to do much exercise because of severe osteoarthritis in my hip so this was all the diet. Inflammation is way better, food cravings are gone and I don’t feel the need to eat nearly as much as I used to at each meal. I was doing Keto but I totally see the benefit of Keto/Carnivore so that’s what I will be doing now that my motabolibism has been jump started. I know I can always go back to Carnivore if needed, to reset.Thanks for putting this together, Mellissa. I used to be very skeptical of this type of diet. I saw it as unhealthy. This week has been an eye opener and totally changed my way of thinking.“
Sherri M. – “I’m down 4 lbs. Not very excited about the weight loss. I was hoping for more. I call this diet the Bland and Boring diet. And expensive. Days 2,3 and 4 were hard on my body. Day 5 I started to feel a little more like myself. Groggy, hungover feeling and fatigue. My strength was zapped. I walk 5 miles a day and am not use to my body and mind feeling so bad. I do much better on the Egg Fast. I always lose around 6 to 8 lbs. The variety of recipes for just eggs, butter and cheese are amazing. Different flavors and textures is a win for me. My body never feels bad or that it needs an adjustment to the egg fast. So if I’m ever looking for a little reset that is where I’ll head. But glad I tried this now I know the carnivore lifestyle is not for me.”
Sheila H. – “This was the kick in the rear that I needed. I have lost 4 lbs this week, I feel so much better. I have celiacs and since cutting everything out except for beef and butter, my gut is finally beginning to heal. My inflammation is way down and my cravings are finally under control. I haven’t cheated once all week! I am going to continue for another week!”
Pam S. – “This week went really good. Day 2 was my hard day, beef didn’t taste good and had a headache. Thanks to suggestions in group my headache went away quickly, and ribeyes were delicious again on the 3rd day. I lost 3 lbs, wish and felt like I had lost more. I feel really good, have energy, can squat down and stand up without having to pull myself up, that’s a big plus!”
Lisa W. – “I did great this week. I did eggs and beef. I did lose a significant amount of weight 8.5 lbs. I have inflammatory arthritis and unspecified connective tissue disease. I am certain I lost water. However, I’m feeling much better, have less brain fog, and more motivation than in quite a long time. My husband lost almost 6 lbs but his xl shirts now hang on him. He lost 2 inches in his waist. He wears a g6 glucose monitor and has not had to take insulin since day 4 as his blood sugars stayed under 140. He’s still on metformin. We’re continuing but adding pork this week and trying uncured bacon. Great job to everyone!”
Paula A. – “I am very satisfied with the past week. I posted about wearing a dress I hadn’t worn and today I am wearing a cute top that has been too tight to wear. And I lost 7.5 pounds. But I have a lot to lose. My win for this week has been overcoming food distractions and emotional triggers that have sent me to the pantry or a restaurant to fill some need. I’m only a week in to putting my “I cant’s” aside and seeing I can! But it is a powerful feeling, one that is strengthened by support you all share!”
Polly F. – “I completed the week, not nearly as bad as expected! I lost 7#, yeah! I don’t know why I thought it would be tough…butter and salt are my 2 most favorite things to eat and I love beef. So all in all, it was a pretty easy week. I have inflammation in my 77 yr old knees, but this week I’ve had no pain. I plan to introduce some of my regular foods 1at a time. Looking for the culprit causing the inflammation pain. Next week, my husband wants to jump in, so I’ll definitely be a repeat with him!”
And that is just the tip of the iceberg – there were many more amazing experiences shared by participants of this Beef and Butter Fast.
Like me, so many said their inflammation was way down, along with aches and pains, cravings were surprisingly manageable for most, and everyone lost weight – some more than others.
If you’re thinking about trying it – go for it! As one person said – it was the kick in the pants they needed to get going. I concur – it’s a great way to clean out and start again if you’ve been wanting to get back on some form of keto, or have always wanted to try it and never took a chance.
From a meal prep standpoint the Beef and Butter Fast is super easy and customizable based on budget and personal preference. No lengthy shopping lists or pages of recipes needed. It doesn’t get much simpler, which is great for people who get overwhelmed.
So now you have no reason not to go for it! What do you say? Will you try the Beef and Butter Fast?
Hands in… 1, 2, 3, gooooooooo BEEF! 😂