Five Major Benefits of Shodhana According to Acharya Vagbhata

Five Major Benefits of Shodhana According to Acharya Vagbhata

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S

Shodhana – means cleansing the body of its impurities. Impurities here means – morbid doshas and malas – excreta and unwanted things which have settled in the body.

When morbid doshas and excreta remain in the body for long time, they create blocks in the channels of the body i.e. sroto avarodha, weaken the agni and dhatus, build toxicity, deplete strength and endurance and cause many diseases on the long run. So, it is important to flush out these doshas from time to time and see that the body is clean and clear. A clean system is an indicator of comprehensive health. Proper cleansing of the body is ‘apunarbhava chikitsa’ i.e. a strategy to prevent recurrences of diseases.

Ayurveda has advocated Shodhana as the most important line of treatment and should be brought into play in all those diseases wherein shodhana has been indicated.

It is said that the doshas and diseases conquered by shodhana will not bounce back and hence provide long-standing immunity and endurance and also will enrich the quality of life, providing longevity.

There are many benefits of Shodhana therapies. But in this article, we will discuss the five main benefits of shodhana mentioned by Acharya Vagbhata, in Ashtanga Hridaya SutraSthana, Chapter 18.

I loved the way Master Vagbhata has included a wide array of benefits of shodhana in these five words indicating five indications. We need to read in between the lines and words and understand that these are not ‘only five’ benefits, but magnify into explaining ulterior benefits when keenly peeped into what the master is trying to say.

Note –

Shodhana here means four measures included in Panchakarma therapies. They are Vamana, Virechana, Asthapana Vasti and Shirovirechana (Nasya). Anuvasana Vasti is more supportive than cleansing and hence shall be omitted.

Benefits of Shodhana: Purification therapies according to Acharya Vagbhata

बुद्धिप्रसादं बलम् इन्द्रियाणां धातुस्थिरत्वं ज्वलनस्य दीप्तिम् ।
चिराच् च पाकं वयसः करोति संशोधनं सम्यगुपास्यमानम् ॥ ६०ऊ ॥

Below mentioned are the main five benefits of Shodhana therapies –

1. Buddhi Prasadam – provides clarity and calmness to the intellect

It is seen that the thought process, decision making skills and memory and many intellectual functions get fine-toned in a person who undergoes shodhana therapies. Buddhi is the mediator of information which passes into us after they are perceived by our sense organs. A sane and healthy buddhi is responsible for all our activities involving thoughts. Buddhi is present in the Hridaya – brain / heart. When these seats are affected by doshas, the person suffers from a wide array of disorders pertaining to the brain and thoughts. Shodhana expels the morbid doshas and establishes balance in functions of buddhi.

These benefits reflect the rejuvenation of the nervous and endocrine systems and their health.

Related Reading – ‘Buddhi Prasadam effect of Shodhana’

2. Balam Indriyanam – provides strength to the sense organs

The indriyas include jnanendriyas – sense organs, karmendriyas – organs of action (motor organs) and ubhayendriya – dual indriya i.e. manaas – mind.

They are under constant stress, wear and tear during our day long activities. When we constantly put them into use for prolonged periods of time, without giving them rest, they will fail in their functions. They will also get debilitated with time. The health of jnanendriyas is essential for perception of information and knowledge of everything. The health of karmendriyas is essential for locomotion, speech, sexual and excretory functions. The health of mind is very essential for us to do all the activities on a day-to-day basis. Asatmya Indriyartha Sannikarsha – improper coordination of sense organs with their objects is one of the main causes for many diseases.

Shodhana would bestow strength to these indriyas and enable their smooth functioning. Indriyas will also not function properly when affected by morbid doshas. Shodhana expels these doshas and helps the indriyas to recover their strength and power of perception, action and mental functions.

These benefits reflect the effect of shodhana on the sensory and motor systems and also on the mind.

Related Reading – ‘Indriyanam Balam effect of Shodhana’

3. Dhatu Sthiratvam – provides support and stability to the tissues

Dosha Dushya Sammurchana – the invasion of weak and susceptible dhatus by strong and morbid doshas is the important event in the manifestation of any disease.

Treatment is reversing this equation by breaking the sammurchana i.e. amalgamation between the morbid doshas and dhatus.

This can be achieved only by shodhana. Shodhana expels the morbid doshas after they have been isolated from their contact with the dhatus. This is the first stage of recovery of tissues. Proper diet, medicines and Rasayana therapies given after shodhana would help in providing support and stability to the tissues.

These benefits reflect the effect of shodhana on circulatory, reticuloendothelial, musculoskeletal, adipose and reproductive systems.

Related Reading – ‘Dhatu Sthiratvam effect of Shodhana’

4. Jwalanasya Diptim – kindles the digestive fire and hence enhances the digestive capacity of the stomach / gut

Allmost all diseases are caused due to sluggish functioning of or disturbances in the functioning of the core agni i.e. jathara agni, kayagni – located in our stomach / gut. If this agni is balanced, it digests the food properly and provides nutrition to the whole body. If this agni becomes weak or gets disturbed, it would cause many systemic and metabolic diseases in the long run. Imbalance in core agni will also have a feedback effect on the dhatu agni and Bhuta agni. They too would get imbalanced.

Agni will get disturbed when influenced by the morbid doshas, ama or accumulated mala. Shodhana helps in flushing off these morbidities from the body and help in kindling and recovering of the core as well as related agnis.

These benefits reflect the benefits of shodhana on the gastrointestinal system.

Related Reading – ‘Jwalanasya Diptim’ effect of Shodhana

5. Chirat Pakam Vayasah – slows down the ageing process, acts as anti-ageing interventions

Shodhana would bring about rejuvenation of tissues by expelling the morbid doshas and malas, as said above. Thus, Shodhana would act as an anti-ageing therapy. This benefit of shodhana would be a collective effect of all the above said four benefits of shodhana.

The presence of the morbid doshas in the body would have a toll on health and immunity. The nutrition and oxygenation of the body too will be compromised. This will make the person appear older than his or her biological age and also diseased and lack lustre. We can observe that people who have undergone shodhana would look younger, healthier and fit. This also reflects the effect of undertaking shodhana regularly and keeping the body clean, clear and healthy.

These benefits reflect the impact of shodhana on the immune system and in balancing the doshas, dhatus, agni, malas, indriyas and manas, thus helping the person in achieving comprehensive health.

Related Reading – ‘Chirat Pakam Vayasah effect of Shodhana’

Summing up

Under these five benefits, Master Vagbhata has intelligently covered the wide range of benefits of shodhana, covering all the systems of our body which will be benefitted by this set of special treatments, as explained above. He has touched upon the benefits of shodhana on all doshas, tissues, excreta, srotas, organs, organ systems – almost everything.

The word shodhana means ‘dosha or mala shodhana’. So, indirectly the master has also mentioned another benefit which has not been counted amongst the five benefits of shodhana i.e. cleansing of dosha and malas from the body.

Finally, there is a catch.

Acharya Vagbhata ends the verse by quoting – ‘Karoti Samshodhanam Samyag Upasyamananam….’ – ‘the benefits mentioned can be achieved only if the purification therapies are properly done / undertaken’. 

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