Dystonia: Ayurveda Understanding

Dystonia: Ayurveda Understanding

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Manasa S, B.A.M.S

Dystonia is a neurological disorder. It is characterized by uncontrollable muscle contractions. These contractions would lead to involuntary movements or abnormal postures. It can affect different parts of the body or even the entire body. The manifestation depends on the underlying cause.

Symptoms of Dystonia include uncontrolled and painful spasms of muscles, repetitive movements, tremors occurring in rhythmic pattern, muscle contractions lasting from seconds to minutes (persists for months in chronic conditions), and muscle twist or stretch leading to unusual body positions. Depending on the area of the body involved it presents in five patterns – focal, segmental, multifocal, hemi dystonia and generalized dystonia. Each present with a different set of symptoms pertaining to the region afflicted.

Related Reading – ‘Dystonia – causes, symptoms, prevention, treatment’

In this article we will try to understand dystonia from an Ayurveda perspective.

Dystonia: Ayurveda Understanding

Any single condition explained in Ayurveda cannot be exactly correlated with dystonia. Many conditions explained, mainly in the context of Vata Vyadhi can be discussed in correlation to Dystonia due to similarity of these conditions in terms of their clinical presentation, in spite of not exactly matching with each other as a disease entity. This understanding helps in addressing and managing cases of dystonia through Ayurveda interventions.

Below mentioned are the different conditions explained in Ayurveda treatises, which can be considered in this discussion, as conditions resembling with clinical picture of Dystonia –

Vata Prakopa

‘Sankocha’ is a symptom mentioned amongst the symptoms of vata aggravation. Sankocha means contractions. Dystonia is characterized by uncontrolled muscle contractions. Sankocha is also a word used to describe spasms and contractures, which are features of dystonia.

Similarly, ‘Chaala’ i.e. excessive movements which depicts ‘abnormal and uncontrollable muscle contractions’ which is a feature of dystonia, too has been mentioned amongst the actions of abnormal or exaggerated vata.

‘Varta’ which means twisting or twitching, which is an effect of dystonia, is also a symptom of vata prakopa.

Yet another term ‘Spandana’ which means involuntary movements or twitching, is also one of vata prakopa symptoms.

Vata Nanatmaja Roga

There are 80 conditions which are caused only by aggravated vata.

Some conditions / diseases mentioned in the list explain ‘dystonia’. They are –

Akshepa – which means convulsions, which is different from involuntary contractions. But this term can be considered to describe dystonia. It can be said to be a variant of spandana and sankocha. All these terms pertain to ‘hyperactivity of vata or chala guna of vata’.

Vepathu / Kampana – means tremors. These terms too indicate hyperactivity of vata and involuntary movements, as in dystonia.

Vata Vyadhi

Seeing the general description of dystonia, it can be classified under Vata Vyadhi – special disorders caused by vitiation of ‘only vata’. It is a neurological disorder and all neurological disorders are discussed under Vata Vyadhi. This condition is characterized by uncontrollable muscle contractions which in turn results in involuntary movements or abnormal postures. Aggravated Vata is responsible for such muscular events.

Mamsagata Vata (a vata vyadhi)

Since this condition affects the muscles and cause uncontrollable contractions and involuntary movements, it can be correlated with yet another disease which has been explained under Vata Vyadhi i.e. Mamsagata Vata. Mamsagata Vata is a condition in which aggravated vata which gets localized in the muscles of the body would cause these muscular events.

Sarvanga Vata and Ekanga Vata (a vata vyadhi)

Since this condition may affect different parts of the body or even the entire body, it falls under the category of Sarvanga Vata – a condition in which aggravated vata affects the whole body. When a particular part of the body is involved, it can be considered as Ekanga Vata. Dystonia type of presentation can be seen in both Ekanga and Sarvanga Vata.

From the perspective of symptoms and types of dystonia

The symptoms of Dystonia which includes uncontrollable and painful muscle spasms, repetitive movements, tremors, twisting, abnormal postures, abnormal stretching of muscles are all contributory to aggravated vata.

Symptoms of different types of dystonia cover under their umbrella, different types of Vata disorders including – Ekanga Vata, Sarvanga Vata, Pakshavadha, Ardita and Kampavata. So, dystonia covers a broad spectrum of Vata disorders which includes the mentioned conditions.

From the perspective of causative factors

Among the causes of Dystonia, Parkinsonism, Epilepsy, Stroke and Traumatic Brain injuries have been mentioned. Symptoms of dystonia are found in the Ayurveda counterparts of these conditions i.e. Kampavata, Apasmara, Pakshavadha and Abhighata / Marma Abhighata respectively.

From the perspective of complications

Complications like impairment in daily activities, problems with muscle contractions of eyes, jaw movement, swallowing, speech, discomfort, exhaustion and anxiety indicate involvement of vata.

Dystonia: Ayurveda Treatment Principles

Nidana Parivarjana

Just like in any disease, keeping away the causative factors and triggers of the disease is very important in prevention and cure of dystonia and also to prevent the progression and complications of dystonia. From the Ayurveda viewpoint, all ‘vata aggravating’ etiological factors might be responsible for dystonia and all these factors shall be kept away.

Treating Vata

As already discussed, aggravated vata is mainly responsible for dystonia and its symptoms and complications. Therefore, all medicines, therapies, lifestyle changes and practices which would bring back vata to a state of balance shall be considered in the treatment of Dystonia.

Treatment on the lines of ‘Vata Vyadhi Chikitsa’

The treatment principles of Vata Vyadhi shall be brought into practice to comprehensively treat dystonia. This includes medicines, therapies, dietetic and lifestyle modifications.

Other treatment principles

Dystonia shall be treated on the principles of treatment of below mentioned conditions –

–        Ekanga vata
–        Sarvanga vata
–        Pakshavadha / Pakshaghata
–        Ardita
–        Mamsagata Vata
–        Kampavata
–        Apasmara

Effective external therapies

Below mentioned external therapies are highly effective in the management of Dystonia –

–        Abhyanga – herbal oil massage – any vata mitigating oil can be used
–        Swedana – sudation – Nadi Sweda, Bashpa Sweda, Pinda Sweda (patra and shashtika shali pinda sweda)
–        Dhara – showering of medical liquids on the body and head – any vata-mitigating oil or milk processed with vata-alleviating herbs shall be used
–        Murdni Taila – oil therapies done on the head – Shiro Dhara, Shito Vasti, Shiro Abhyanga, Shiro Pichu

Effective Panchakarma Therapies

Dystonia and its complications can be effectively handled by administration of the below mentioned Panchakarma measures skilfully –

–        Virechana – on the lines of Pakshaghata Chikitsa – with medicated purging oils which would balance vata
–        Vasti – Asthapana Vasti and Anuvasana Vasti shall be combined skilfully, Matra Vasti too is beneficial
–        Nasya – errhines with vata alleviating oils will be beneficial

Beneficial herbs

–        Bala – Sida cordifolia
–        Ashwagandha – Withania somnifera
–        Kapikachchu – Mucuna pruriens
–        Guduchi – Tinospora cordifolia
–        Dashamula – ten roots
–        Medhya Rasayanas – herbs which are brain tonics
–        Kushmanda – Benincasa hispida

Beneficial formulations

–        Maharasnadi Kashayam
–        Erandamuladi Kashayam
–        Ashtavargam Kashayam
–        Balaguluchyadi Kashayam
–        Dhanwantaram Kashayam
–        Gandharvahastadi Eranda Taila
–        Nimbamritadi Erannda Tailam
–        Balarishtam
–        Ashwagandharishtam
–        Saraswatharishtam
–        Saraswata Churna
–        Vanari Gutika / Vanari Kalpa / Kapikachchu Churna
–        Ashwagandha Churna
–        Ksheerabala Tailam 101

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