Shredded Upper Body with Bonus Core

Shredded Upper Body with Bonus Core

Join me for this upper body and core shred!

When it comes to a strong upper body, I’m always thinking about bringing balance to the muscles that surround and support the rotator cuff, as well as supporting our posture and alignment.

With that in mind, today’s upper body workout targets the biceps and triceps, as they act on our shoulder (and elbow) in opposite ways. The biceps enable us to flex the arm, where the triceps enable us to extend the arm.

When we train opposing muscles in balance (whether it’s in the same workout, or within a thoughtful workout program), we bring more balance and stability to our joints and movement patterns, and we can get stronger more easily.

You’ll also find both chest and back strengthening moves in this workout, plus some opportunities to work your core – both the front and back side of it. Feel free to do additional rounds of either circuit, time permitting and play around with the rep ranges.

Following a balanced training program is one of the smartest things you can do to prevent injury and strengthen your body safely and effectively! Come train with me in Rock Your Life where I have programmed challenges and workout classes that support a strong, sculpted body so you can get the best results!

Now grab some weighted objects and let’s go!

The Sculpted Body Challenge is a training program that builds balanced strength in targeted workout sessions, and sculpts your entire body! As a bonus, I’ve created custom workout schedules for you whether you’re in your cycling years or the peri or postmenopause years (because our bodies respond better to different tempos of training with different hormone levels).

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Shredded Upper Body with Bonus Core

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions


  • Arm circles
  • Back activator 2 ways
  • Forward fold

Circuit 1 (3x):

Prone Towel Pulldowns (AMRAP)*

  • Begin by lying on your stomach on your mat.
  • Extend your arms beside your ears with a strap/towel held taut between them, brace your core to lift and reach your arms off of the mat.
  • Press your pelvis and the tops of your feet gently into the mat as you pull the towel towards your chest, drawing your elbows back towards your ribcage, focusing on the squeeze between your shoulder blades.
  • Re-extend your arms and repeat sequence for as many reps as possible.

Biceps Curls (8-12)

  • Standing and holding weights with palms facing forward, a braced core and shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), bend at the elbows to curl the weights up to shoulder height.
  • With control, lower the weights to the starting position. Be mindful that you’re keeping your elbows in at your ribcage for the duration of the curl.
  • Repeat for your max reps.

Side Crunch (10 each side)

  • Begin on the mat with your left elbow planted directly under your left shoulder, left leg bent, hips stacked, and core braced.
  • With your right arm extended beside your ear, press away through the left arm and leg to lift your hips off of the mat, feeling the engagement in your left obliques.
  • Lower your hips back towards the mat with control, being mindful of not collapsing through your left shoulder and keeping your shoulders and hips stacked.
  • Press your hips back up and draw your right knee and right elbow together, feeling the engagement of the right side obligues.
  • Extend your right leg out long, repeat this sequence for allotted reps and switch sides.

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Circuit 2 (2x):

2-Way Push Ups (AMRAP)

  • Begin in a tall plank position with shoulders stacked over wrists, braced core, back flat and neutral gaze (not looking up or down).
  • Perform a narrow push up: bend your arms, keeping your elbows close to your ribcage to activate the triceps, and lower yourself toward the mat for a push-up while keeping your shoulders away from your ears.
  • Be mindful that your hips and torso are moving in one line.
  • Maintaining a braced core and flat back, push yourself back up to the starting position.
  • Step one hand out so your arms are in a standard pushup position (slightly wider than shoulder distance) and perform a standard pushup, elbows coming out to about 45 degrees and lowering your body in a straight line..
  • Continue alternating between a narrow and standard push up for your max reps.
  • MOD: Drop your knees to the mat and/or perform this move in an elevated position with your hands on an elevated surface like a couch/ottoman/bench.

3 Point Triceps Kickbacks (8-12 each side)

  • Begin in a tabletop position with shoulders over wrists, hips over knees, core braced, and a weighted object in your left hand.
  • Engage between your shoulders so they aren’t rounding forward and, maintaining a flat back, draw your left elbow up and back beside your ribcage and perform tricep kickback by kicking your arm straight back, rotating your palm towards the ceiling, and contracting your tricep.
  • Keep your elbow beside your ribcage as you bend your arm and repeat the kickback for your max reps.
  • Switch sides and match reps.
  • MOD for additional core challenge: Extend the leg opposite to the working tricep, either hovering the leg or keeping the toes planted on the mat. Be mindful of maintaining square hips to the mat (not allowing the hips to shift open or closed)

Wide Grip Rows (8-12)

  • Begin by standing tall, core braced, shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall) and holding a weighted object in each hand, palms facing your body.
  • Hinge at the hips at a 45 degree angle, keeping core braced and back flat. Allow your weighted objects to hang beneath your chest (without rounding your shoulders forward) and keep your head and neck in a neutral position.
  • Using your back muscles, draw your elbows up, out, and back, squeezing between the shoulder blades.
  • Maintaining the positioning of your body, lower the weight back down with control.
  • Repeat this sequence for max rep range.

*AMRAP: as many reps as possible

Great job Rockstar! The time and energy you invest in yourself and your health makes a huge difference! Let me know what you thought of today’s workout in the comments below.

You’re invited to Rock Your Body AND Your Life…

… my online home workout studio and women’s fitness community where not only will we provide you with awesome and fun workout challenges, but the information you need to navigate your nutrition choices and the other surrounding actions that will help you see (and keep) the best results.

Check out these pictures that Rock Your Life member and mom of 3, Bailey shared in the group…

“I have been doing Betty Rockers workouts since July of 2020. 40 lbs down.. several inches lost! This workout program along with eating a healthier lifestyle has truly changed my body and mind! I am currently doing the bikini body challenge and it has kicked my butt! If this momma of 3 can do it, so can you!!”

One-off workouts are great, but having a PLAN to follow is even better!

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The post Shredded Upper Body with Bonus Core appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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